Be the envy of your neighborhood with...

Our step-by-step Design Plan is exactly the guide you need to achieve the garden of your dreams.

One time

Earn yourself a green thumb.

It all starts here for gardens, borders, and flower beds that thrive.

You've always wanted a garden like your mom's, but you don't have the time or money to hire a professional landscaper.

Or maybe you've been trying to create your own garden for years but keep struggling to make it a success.

Do you envy your neighbor's effortlessly beautiful landscaping but are too intimidated to try it yourself?

Planting your own garden is a dream for many. And while it's easy to get overwhelmed by the process, it doesn't have to be! 

Don’t give up on your Dream Garden. You can make magic happen in your very own yard, we can show you how!

Allow us to introduce ourselves.

Hi, we're Tom and Val,

We believe everyone deserves to be surrounded by beauty and inspiration, both indoors and out.

And we understand the challenges of DIY gardening. Because, every day, our phones blow up with gardening and planting questions from our friends, family, and neighbors!

Tom is a 3rd generation, certified horticulturist, and experienced grower. And Valerie is a successful Interior Designer known for her mix of botanical elements in the home to create calming nature inspired spaces.

We created these done for you Garden Design Plans to deliver gardening solutions for the at home gardener.

We're thrilled to bring your our first comprehensive, step-by-step guide for the DIY gardener. Our premier English Garden Design Plan is the next best thing to hiring us to create your garden ourselves. Will you join our Garden Club?

Tom and Val

YES I want the English Garden Design Plan

  • Add sophistication and curb appeal to your home with a well-designed garden inspired by the landscape architecture, colorful floral mix, and reliable greenery that defines an English Garden, our premier Design Plan shows you how to achieve the same effect.

  • BONUS: The Potager Guide

    Get your vegetable garden plans for all your seasonal bounty.

Your Dream Garden Awaits…

To install this type of garden design, you'd pay professional landscapers up to $20,000 or more! Even having a horticulturist craft a custom plan would run well into the thousands.

We've distilled everything you need for a successful garden, from the science to the visual appeal, into one easy-to-implement guidebook and plan.

With the English Garden Design Plan, you'll receive:

Our illustrated, comprehensive, step-by-step English Garden Design Plan. This is a downloadable file that you can take anywhere!

Access to our private Facebook community.

The special Potager Guide BONUS.

<Yes, I’m ready to garden>

Imagine... You crack open our English Garden Design Plan on Saturday morning. By Sunday afternoon, you'll be enjoying an Arnold Palmer while taking in the sight of your new, beautiful garden.

Our beautifully illustrated Design Plan is easy to download to your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

So take it with you wherever you need it, and have professional advice at your fingertips!

The Le Fleur Farms & Home's English Garden Design Plan shows you:

☀️How to choose an optimal site: understanding light, and drainage needs

🪴Two types of garden-style Front/Border or Center/Container

🌿Guidance on dirt/mulch/topsoil, soil maintenance, and weed mat

🌱Appropriate border and container garden sources

🕊Ideal plant selection list with explanations of varieties and cross breeds.

🪴Plant placement to achieve the desired look and ensure plants thrive

🌸How to maximize your color window with our bloom timeline

🕊Simple Design Principles about symmetry, height, scale, texture, focal point, color palette

🏡Our recommended toolkit, with links to purchase with ease

🕊A care guide for ongoing maintenance, including ideal pruning and seasonal care

And even better:

☀️You can estimate your total cost with our basic budget calculator. *Keep in mind there are many variables in your investment

🌸You'll be buying full-grown potted plants locally. There is no need to mess with germinating seeds or planting bulbs and crossing your fingers for success. We'll show you how to look for the best plants.

🪴You'll receive access to our private Facebook community. Meet other DIY gardeners, share your own tips, and find support, and we'll pop in with some live Q&A support each month.

🏡BONUS: The Potager Garden Guide

Get a professional designer's best tips for making the most of your garden creation.

Our English Garden Design Plan is only available seasonally.

So grab your guide and get started today!

<Green thumb, here I come! - Give me the Design Plan!>


Q: Will I have access to Tom if I have questions?

A: We have a monthly Q&A in our Facebook group where you can submit questions. Tom and Valerie will go live monthly with answers to pre-submitted questions. *There is also an opportunity to buy two 15-minute SOS calls with Tom when you buy your guide.

Q: How much will everything cost for me to create this English Garden?

A: Unfortunately, too many factors are involved for us to give you a total cost estimate to implement our English Garden Design Plan. Variables include the size of your garden, access to quality plants, and tool investment. We do provide a simple budget calculator in the program. And you can spread out the total cost by planting over time rather than finishing in one weekend.

Q: Do I really have to spend a whole weekend planting this garden?

A: No! We say "finish in a weekend" to show how quickly this can be implemented from start to finish. But, you could totally implement our plan over several weekends or a throughout the week. Once you have the guide in hand, you can decide the "when" and "how long." Since we give you the order to plant things in, you could easily break it up into a more extended timeline with great success.

Q: Where should I buy all of these plants?

A: With our design plans you will get a shopping guide with suggestions for plant varieties, online vendors, and even an Amazon storefront that shares our favorite tools & products to level up your gardening shed.

  • "Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers."

    —Jose Luis Borges.

  • Maybe you want to launch a business

    Quote Source

  • Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more

    Quote Source

  • Maybe you have a creative project to share with the world

    Quote Source

Plan 1

Are you an expert at DIY? This ones for you if you prefer to get plans and get started at your own pace.

English Garden Plans

Source List

Bonus Potager Guide

The done for you English Garden Plans plus our Potager Garden guide.

Plan 2

Do you prefer a little hand holding when you start something new? This option comes with all the plans PLUS exclusive access to our Garden Club and SOS calls to our grower!

English Garden Plans

Source List

Bonus Potager

Garden Club Membership

Two SOS calls

Get the exclusive English Garden plans, Source List and bonus Potager Guide PLUS exclusive accesss to the Garden Club and TWO sos calls with our grower.